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Home » Home » Order On Appeal No. 936-03/21 Muhammad Nawaz Vs Survey Of Pakistan

Order On Appeal No. 936-03/21 Muhammad Nawaz Vs Survey Of Pakistan

This commission holds that Applicants should only state the requested information/records to be attained under the Right of Access to Information Act 2017 rather than dwelling upon the supposed corruption that the requested information/records may reveal. In any case, a citizen is not bound to state the purpose for seeking information under this Act. Therefore, while this commission finds loaded expressions such as ‘Unlawfully / fraudulently’, ‘Gross financial embezzlements’ and ‘deceitfully’ unwarranted and uncalled for, these cannot be basis for dismissal of the instant appeal pertaining to the exercise of constitutional right of access to information of a citizen. Furthermore, this commission also believes that the disclosure of the requested information/records would counter the loaded language used by the Appellant if it is revealed that everything has been done by the book. Consequently, the Respondent   would be able to take any legal recourse it chooses against the Appellant under relevant laws of the land.

This commission holds that all requested records pertaining to the Account Title: Welfare and Capacity Building of Survey of Pakistan, Account No.: PK39 ASCM 0002 3916 5000 0226, Bank: Askari Bank, I-8 Markaz. Islamabad are public documents and of public importance. The requested information would reveal who authorised opening of this Account, its legal justification  and the related documents would also reveal that the funds collected and disbursed were used for the intended purpose of this Account.

This commission is of the view that the requested information pertaining to the TA/DA and the supporting documents would reveal that the allowances were claimed as provided for the officers to perform their official duties.

Plots are allotted under relevant rules to the employees of the federal public bodies who meet certain qualifications and criterion. As such, records pertaining to the allotment of plots are public documents so that citizens could know that these plots were allotted to the employees who met the official qualifications and criterion. Similarly, requested records pertaining to the car is also public information as the requested records would reveal that the employee got the vehicle which he was entitled to under relevant policy.


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