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Home » Home » Order on Appeal No 1489-11-2021 Aamir Shahzad Vs National Transmission & Dispatch Company

Order on Appeal No 1489-11-2021 Aamir Shahzad Vs National Transmission & Dispatch Company

The appellant one of the contestants for the test of IT officer BS-16 held on 22.08.2021 has shown his concern that the result has been displayed on the website but the merit list has not been displayed. In his application he has desired the display of the merit list on the website showing ranking of all the applicants in different quotas so that they are satisfied that the recruitment process was transparent and on merit.
While dealing with the matters related to information and record sought by the citizens under the Act 2017, the public bodies are under obligation to respond the applications as mandated in the Act. In the case in hand the respondent has not acknowledged the application, information is not provided to the applicant in the stipulated time frame and the notices of the Commission are ignored. The reply is not submitted and the hearing before the Commission was not represented by the public body. It is presumed that the respondent public body is wilfully avoiding the proceedings before the Commission and that the public body has nothing in the sleeves to submit in the defence. In such like circumstances the Commission is left with no option but to decide the appeal ex parte after going through the file in light of the Act.
The display on the website of the merit list is not the concern of the appellant alone rather it is a matter of public importance for all who contested for the post.
This Commission allowed the appeal and directed the Managing Director, National Transmission & Dispatch Company to display the merit list on the website showing ranking of all the applicants in different quotas contesting for the test of IT officer BS-16 held on 22.08.2021, forthwith but in any case not later than five days of the receipt of this order.

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