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Home » Home » Order on Appeal No.641-09/20 Pervaz Said Vs Defence Officer’s Housing Authority – Karachi

Order on Appeal No.641-09/20 Pervaz Said Vs Defence Officer’s Housing Authority – Karachi

The appellant in the instant appeal has requested Defence Housing Authority – Karachi for  information about colossal amount of public money spent on the construction of DHA Karachi’s storm-water drains, why were they not able to drain away a majority of the rain water?, How much capital has been spent on building DHA Karachi’s storm-drain system? How much of this was paid for by DHA residents in the form of taxes and other charges? and What was the decision-making process for selecting the contracting company that built the storm-drains?

The appellant also asked the public body to provide information about the mechanism for approving house and building construction plans? and What systems and procedures are in place to ensure that rain-water does not accumulate on residential and commercial buildings?

This commission has directed the DHA Karachi to provide the requested information to the appellant within 10 working days.

The public body is also directed to take immediate steps to proactively share through the web site all categories of information mentioned in Section 5 of the Right of Access to Information Act 2017 and submit the compliance report to the commission by July 23, 2021.


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